2024 FL Senate Race

2024 FL Senate Race


The 2024 United States Senate election in Florida will be held on November 5, 2024.  The seat is currently held by Rick Scott.

The two leading candidates are Debbie Mucarsel-Powell– Democrat and Rick Scott – Republican.

Senator Rick Scott was elected with 50.05% of the vote in 2018. He is running for re-election to a second term in office.

Primary elections will take place on August 20, 2024.

OnAir Post: 2024 FL Senate Race



Long one of the core swing states, Florida has trended towards Republicans in recent years and is now considered to be a moderately red state at the federal level, with Donald Trump carrying Florida by about three and a half percentage points in the 2020 presidential election.

As a result of that trend, Republicans have seen much more success in the state in recent years. That was most prevalent when the Florida GOP saw landslide victories in the 2022 gubernatorial and U.S. Senate elections. As of 2024, Republicans control both of Florida’s U.S. Senate seats, all statewide offices, supermajorities in both houses of the Florida Legislature, and a large majority in its U.S. House congressional delegation.

Scott was first elected in 2018 by 0.1 points, defeating then-incumbent Bill Nelson. With the benefit of incumbency and the state’s rightward trend, most political pundits consider the race to be favoring Scott to win re-election.

Source: Wikipedia


Polls ending June 9, 2024

U.S. Senate, Florida, 2024, Democratic primary

June 8-9
Florida Atlantic University PolCom Lab/Mainstreet Research

U.S. Senate, Florida, 2024, General election

June 8-9
Florida Atlantic University PolCom Lab/Mainstreet Research
June 8-9
Florida Atlantic University PolCom Lab/Mainstreet Research
June 6-9
The Tyson Group

Web Links

Rick Scott

Current Position: US Senator since 2019
Affiliation: Republican
Former Position: Governor from 2011 – 2019
Other Positions:  Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman

Featured Quote: 
These vaccine mandates are just the latest attempt by @POTUS & the Democrats to control Americans. I got the vaccine & encourage others to as well, but that’s each person’s decision. We all must stand up against this gross overreach.

Enough Is Enough’: Rick Scott Blames Biden, Democrats For Inflation

OnAir Post: Rick Scott – FL

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell

Debbie Jessika Mucarsel-Powell is an American politician and academic administrator who served as a U.S. representative for Florida’s 26th congressional district from 2019 to 2021.

Born: 1971 (age 53 years), Ecuador
Party: Democratic Party
Education: Claremont Graduate University (1994–1996), Pitzer College
Spouse: Robert Powell
Previous office: Representative, FL 26th District (2019–2021)
Candidate for: 2024 United States Senate elections
Previous campaigns: 2020 United States House of Representatives elections in Florida

OnAir Post: Debbie Mucarsel-Powell


Rick Scott

Source: Campaign Site

Rescue America Plan

1.  Education
Our kids will say the pledge of allegiance, salute the Flag, learn that America is a great country, and choose the school that best fits them.
We will inspire patriotism and stop teaching the revisionist history of the radical left; our kids will learn about the wisdom of the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the founding fathers. Public schools will focus on the 3 R’s, not indoctrinate children with critical race theory or any other political ideology.

2. Color Blind Equality
Government will never again ask American citizens to disclose their race, ethnicity, or skin color on any government form.

We are going to eliminate racial politics in America. No government policy will be based on race. People “will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” We are all made in the image of God; to judge a person on the color of their epidermis is immoral.

3. Safety and Crime
The soft-on-crime days of coddling criminal behavior will end. We will re-fund and respect the police because, they, not the criminals, are the good guys.

We will enforce our laws, all of them, and increase penalties for theft and violent crime. We will clean up our cities and stop pretending that crime is OK. We have zero tolerance for “mostly peaceful protests” that attack police officers, loot businesses, and burn down our cities.

4. Immigration
We will secure our border, finish building the wall, and name it after President Donald Trump.
Nations have borders. We should give that a try. President Trump’s plan to build a wall was right.

We welcome those who want to join us in building the American dream, immigrants who want to be Americans, not change America. We are a stronger nation because we are a nation of immigrants, but immigration without assimilation makes us weaker. Politicians from both parties talk big about border security and do nothing. We are done with that.

5. Growth / Economy
We will grow America’s economy, starve Washington’s economy, and stop Socialism.

Socialism is un-American and always leads to poverty and oppression. We will stop it. We will shrink the federal government, reduce the government workforce by 25% in 5 years, sell government buildings and assets, and get rid of the old, slow, closed, top-down, government-run-everything system we have today.

6. Government Reform and Debt
We will eliminate all federal programs that can be done locally, and enact term limits for federal bureaucrats and Congress.

Many government agencies should be either moved out of Washington or shuttered entirely. Yesterday’s old government is fundamentally incompatible with the digital era. The permanent ruling class in Washington is bankrupting us with inflation and debt, so they must be removed. For you to have more, Washington must have less.

7. Fair Fraud-Free Elections
We will protect the integrity of American Democracy and stop left-wing efforts to rig elections.

Today’s Democrat Party is trying to rig elections and pack the courts because they have given up on Democracy. They don’t believe they can win based on their ideas, so they want to game the system and legalize voter fraud to stay in power. In true Orwellian fashion, Democrats refer to their election rigging plans as “voting rights”. We won’t allow the radical left to destroy our democracy by institutionalizing dishonesty and fraud.

8. Family
We will protect, defend, and promote the American Family at all costs.

The nuclear family is crucial to civilization, it is God’s design for humanity, and it must be protected and celebrated. To say otherwise is to deny science. The fanatical left seeks to devalue and redefine the traditional family, as they undermine parents and attempt to replace them with government programs. We will not allow Socialism to place the needs of the state ahead of the family.

9. Gender, Life, Science
Men are men, women are women, and unborn babies are babies. We believe in science:

Men and women are biologically different, “male and female He created them.” Modern technology has confirmed that abortion takes a human life. Facts are facts, the earth is round, the sun is hot, there are two genders, and abortion stops a beating heart. To say otherwise is to deny science.

10. Religious Liberty and Big Tech
Americans will be free to welcome God into all aspects of our lives,
and we will stop all government efforts to deny our religious freedom and freedom of speech.

The Democrat Party and their Big Tech allies are not merely secular; they have virtually created a new religion of wokeness that is increasingly hostile toward people of faith, particularly Christians and Jews. They are determined to drive all mention of God out of public view. We will not be silenced, canceled, or told what words to use by the politically correct crowd.

11. America First
We are Americans, not globalists.

America will be dependent on NO other country. We will conduct no trade that takes away jobs or displaces American workers. Countries who oppose us at the UN will get zero financial help from us. We will be energy-independent and build supply chains that never rely on our adversaries. We will only help countries that are willing to defend themselves, like Israel.

12. Cutting Taxes
NOTE FOR PRESIDENT BIDEN: This plan cuts taxes. Nothing in this plan has ever, or will ever, advocate or propose, any tax increases, at all.

Stop Congress from bankrupting America. The federal government is quickly bankrupting America. Congress must be stopped, read how.

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell

Source: Campaign Site


The cost of living is skyrocketing in Florida. As an immigrant who worked her way through high school and college at minimum wage jobs, Debbie is running for the U.S. Senate because she knows firsthand that we need to do more to support hard-working Floridians who are struggling. From the rising costs of homeowners insurance to housing to health care, prices are out of control and Floridians are fed up. And to make matters worse, we have a Senator in Rick Scott who is completely out of touch with the real problems that so many in Florida are facing. In the Senate, Debbie will tackle rising costs head on. Unlike Rick Scott, she opposes raising taxes on the middle class. Debbie also supports investing in job and vocational training to create opportunities for Floridians to establish strong careers.


Debbie lives with her elderly mother and is her primary caretaker, so she understands the critical role both Medicare and Social Security play for our seniors. While Senator Rick Scott wrote the plan to defund Medicare and Social Security, in Congress Debbie wrote the plan to expand Medicare. From her time as an associate dean at the FIU medical school to her time in Congress, Debbie has worked at the state and national level to expand health care access to Americans and protect our seniors who have worked their entire lives to earn their retirement. Rick Scott’s plan would increase the number of seniors in poverty by 40%. Protecting Social Security and expanding access to Medicare are two of her highest priorities in the U.S. Senate. Too many Floridians rely on these services to let extremist Republicans like Rick Scott gut them.


Debbie knows that for too many Floridians, health care costs too much and provides too little. And the costs keep going up. As Associate Dean at FIU Medical School, Debbie worked hard to expand health care access to thousands of Floridians, an issue that inspired her to run for public office. Debbie supports ensuring that Floridians have access to high quality affordable health care so no Floridian has to worry about seeking the care they need and being served a surprise medical bill that could bankrupt them and their family. Debbie sponsored legislation to expand Medicare and reduce the price of medication. Meanwhile, Senator Rick Scott wrote the plan to cut Medicare and said as recently as this year that he would support repealing the Affordable Care Act, ripping affordable health care away from over 3 million Floridians, including those with pre-existing conditions. Rick Scott also opposed the Inflation Reduction Act, which stops drug companies from jacking up prices for life saving medications like insulin.


Florida’s natural beauty and unique environment is one of the many things that makes it so special – and is a key driver of our economic prosperity and tourism in Florida. In Congress, Debbie represented South Florida, the Florida Keys, and the Everglades, and worked across the aisle to bring over $200 million to the state for environmental and Everglades preservation. In the aftermath of Hurricane Irma, Debbie delivered nearly $10 million in essential FEMA funding for South Florida communities. In the U.S. Senate, Debbie will fight for funding to help Florida build the climate-resilient infrastructure needed to fight climate change. Unlike Rick Scott who banned the use of the term “climate change” as Governor and dismisses it as “nuisance flooding,” Debbie knows climate change is real and she is ready to take action to address the climate crisis that is impacting Floridians, their lives, and their property.


Debbie knows that in order to make our communities safer, we have to take action to address gun violence. In addition to supporting our law enforcement officers and ensuring they have the resources they need to keep our communities safe, Debbie recognizes that lawmakers must also do their part to help keep Floridians safe. The fight to end gun violence is deeply personal for Debbie. At just 24 years old, Debbie lost her father to gun violence, and has since been a dedicated advocate for expanding gun safety laws. In Congress, Debbie served as a Vice Chair of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force and as a Member of the Judiciary Committee she helped pass landmark legislation through the House to expand background checks on all gun sales and close loopholes in America’s gun laws that put victims of domestic abuse at risk. Debbie also worked to increase consistent, long-term investments in community violence intervention programs But self-serving politicians like Rick Scott continue to play politics in Washington and put the gun lobby before the safety of Florida’s families.


America is the strongest nation in the world, with workers and an economy that can out-compete any nation. We must maintain American strength and competitiveness. Debbie knows that starts with defending democracy abroad as authoritarian regimes across the world like Nicaragua and Russia brutalize their own populations, wage destructive wars, and threaten international stability.

That’s why Debbie stands against the dictatorships in Cuba and Venezuela and has always fought for freedom for oppressed peoples. In 2023 as the Senior Advisor to the Summit of the Americas, she led the successful push to ban Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela from the Summit of the Americas, because she believes these illegitimate regimes should never be normalized. She also stands against Vladimir Putin’s unacceptable aggression in Ukraine.

Debbie supports Israel, our closest ally in the Middle East, and has called for aid to be delivered immediately to Israel and to the innocent civilians in Gaza who are suffering under a terrorist organization.

Debbie will also stand up to China’s harmful trade practices that hurt American businesses, and she supports tough trade policies that protect Florida’s workers and businesses. In the Senate, Debbie will ensure Florida’s trade-centric economy is strong and resilient.


Debbie knows that the decision to have an abortion is a decision that must be made between a woman, her family, and her doctor — not extremist politicians who want to criminalize health care providers. She knows the abortion bans that have passed across the country, including the radical six week ban in Florida, are putting women’s lives at risk by increasing the risk of maternal mortality and ultimately stripping them of their fundamental freedoms. As a mother to two daughters, Debbie is committed to fighting to protect every woman’s right to make the decision that is best for them. Meanwhile, extremist Rick Scott cosponsored a national abortion ban in the Senate and enthusiastically threw his support behind the six week ban in Florida before most women know they are pregnant. Debbie trusts Floridians – not Rick Scott – to make their own health care decisions.

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