
Florida Votes in 20234

Voting in Florida 1


Federal & state elections on the ballot: US Senator, 27 US House members, Governor, and State Senate and House members

Ballot measures: Suffrage, Minimum wage, Elections, Direct Democracy, and Taxes

The Florida Division of Elections, part of the Secretary of State, oversees all Alaska elections.

OnAir Post: Florida Votes in 20234


Democrat Nikki Fried makes it official, files paperwork to run for FL governor in 2022 race
Florida Phoenix, Michael MolineJune 1, 2021

Democrat Nikki Fried filed papers on Tuesday as a candidate for governor following months of positioning herself via Twitter and fundraising appeals targeting the Republican incumbent, Ron DeSantis.

Fried, Florida’s commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services, has yet to make a formal announcement, but Florida Division of Elections records reflect that she has formally entered the Democratic primary in the 2022 race.

Later in the day, Fried released a campaign video via Twitter in which she denounces a “rigged system” that that’s “corrupt” and “antidemocratic.” She acknowledges the campaign will be difficult but adds that few expected a Miami Democrat to win election as agriculture commissioner.



Email: Division of Elections


Division of Elections
R.A. Gray Building, Room 316
500 South Bronough Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250
Phone: 850.245.6200
Fax: 850.245.6217

Registering to Vote

General Information

Who can register

  • To register in Florida you must:

    • be a citizen of the United States
    • be a legal resident of both the State of Florida and of the county in which you seek to be registered
    • be 18 years old (you may pre‑register if you are at least 16)
    • not be adjudicated mentally incapacitated with respect to voting in Florida or any other State, or if you have, you must first have your voting rights restored
    • not be a convicted felon, or if you are, you must first have your civil rights restored if they were taken away
    • swear or affirm the following: “I will protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Florida, that I am qualified to register as an elector under the Constitution and laws of the State of Florida, and that all information in this application is true.”

How to register

  1. Use our Register to Vote form below to fill out the National Voter Registration Form.
  2. Sign and date your form. This is very important!
  3. Mail or hand-deliver your completed form to the address we provide.
  4. Make sure you register before the voter registration deadline.

Election Day registration

Voting Rights restoration

If you have been convicted of a felony and have questions about whether you can register to vote, visit Restore Your Vote to determine your eligibility.

Registration Status (form)

New Registration (form)


General Information

Voting as a Student

Learn more from Campus Vote Project about voting for students.

Overseas and Military Voting

You are a Military or Overseas voter if you are in uniformed services, living overseas OR a spouse or dependent of a uniformed services voter. To get registered and vote, you can utilize Overseas Vote Foundation.

If you have additional questions about elections and voting overseas you can use our state specific elections official directory or contact the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Voting with Disabilities

All polling places must be accessible. If you require assistance to vote by reason of blindness, disability, or inability to write or to read the ballot, assistance may be given by a person of your choice. This person may accompany you into the voting booth. This can be a person of your choosing but cannot be:

> Your employer
> An agent of such employer
> An officer or agent of your union
> A candidate whose name appears on the ballot, unless they are a member of your immediate family
> A disabled person may, at any time, request a paper ballot for electors with disabilities.

Voters who have difficulty standing may ask to move to the front of the line or ask poll workers to direct them to a chair.

You may also request a ballot be brought to you outside the polling location. You must show proper ID and must mark the ballot in front of officials, but not in a way that will violate your privacy.

For more information, you can utilize the American Association of People With Disabilities (AAPD) resource.

Early Voting


Vote by Mail (Absentee)

Absentee ballot rules

  • Any registered Florida voter may apply for an absentee ballot and vote by mail.

How to get Absentee ballot

  1. Use our Absentee Ballot form below to prepare your application.
  2. Sign and date the form. This is very important!
  3. Return your completed application to your Local Election Office as soon as possible. We’ll provide the mailing address for you.
  4. All Local Election Offices will accept mailed or hand-delivered forms. If it’s close to the deadline, call and see if your Local Election Office will let you fax or email the application.
  5. Make sure your application is received by the deadline. Your application must actually arrive by this time — simply being postmarked by the deadline is insufficient.
  6. Please contact your Local Election Office if you have any further questions about the exact process.

What to do next

  1. Once you receive the ballot, carefully read and follow the instructions.
  2. Sign and date where indicated.
  3. Mail your voted ballot back to the address indicated on the return envelope.
  4. Your voted ballot must arrive by the deadline or it will not be counted.

Absentee ballot application deadline

  • In Person: 1 day before Election Day.
  • By Mail: 10 days before Election Day.
  • Online:

Absentee ballot submission deadline

Received by 7pm on Election Day.

Absentee Ballot (form)

Elections Alert (Form)

Poll Information

Polling Place Locator

You can find your polling place by utilizing your state resource. If you have further questions on your polling place location, please contact your county clerk.

Polling Place Hours

Poll Worker Information

In order to be a poll worker in Connecticut, you must:

  • Be registered to vote in Connecticut
  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Be entitled to compensation
  • Political affiliation generally required
  • Be a resident of the town that you apply
  • Complete required training
  • Students with residency in the town who are 16 years or older may work with written permission from a parent or guardian

To sign up, contact your local registrar’s office.

Division of Elections

The Florida Department of State’s Division of Elections provides administrative support to the Secretary of State, Florida’s Chief Election Officer, to ensure that Florida has fair and accurate elections. The Division consists of three bureaus – the Bureau of Election Records, the Bureau of Voter Registration Services, and the Bureau of Voting Systems Certification. Through these bureaus and the director’s office, the Division ensures compliance with the election laws, provides statewide coordination of election administration and promotes public participation in the electoral process.  The Division also assists county Supervisors of Elections in their duties, including providing technical support.

Further information about the Division of Elections’ operations can be found in the Division’s Government Program Summary.

Director’s Office

The mission of the Director’s Office is to provide statewide coordination and direction for the interpretation and enforcement of election laws, as required by the Florida Statutes, and to provide supervision to the Bureaus in the Division. In addition, the Director’s Office contains the Help America Vote Act and the National Voter Registration Act units.

Contact the Division of Elections

Bureau of Election Records

The Bureau of Election Records handles candidate and political committee filings including campaign finance and qualifying papers. The Bureau also processes commissions of office for elected officials on behalf of the Governor.

Candidates and Committees Information

Bureau of Voter Registration Services

The Bureau of Voter Registration Services coordinates and maintains the official statewide voter registration system including assisting Supervisors of Elections with the voter registration and voter removal process.

Information for Voters

Bureau of Voting Systems Certification

The Bureau of Voting Systems Certification implements Florida’s voting systems certification standards for all voting systems in Florida and provides technical assistance to the county Supervisors of Elections on voting systems.

Voting Systems Information


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