Federal & state elections on the ballot: US Senator, 27 US House members, Governor, and State Senate and House members
Ballot measures: Suffrage, Minimum wage, Elections, Direct Democracy, and Taxes
The Florida Division of Elections, part of the Secretary of State, oversees all Alaska elections.
OnAir Post: Florida Votes in 20234
Florida Phoenix, – June 1, 2021
Democrat Nikki Fried filed papers on Tuesday as a candidate for governor following months of positioning herself via Twitter and fundraising appeals targeting the Republican incumbent, Ron DeSantis.
Fried, Florida’s commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services, has yet to make a formal announcement, but Florida Division of Elections records reflect that she has formally entered the Democratic primary in the 2022 race.
Later in the day, Fried released a campaign video via Twitter in which she denounces a “rigged system” that that’s “corrupt” and “antidemocratic.” She acknowledges the campaign will be difficult but adds that few expected a Miami Democrat to win election as agriculture commissioner.
Email: Division of Elections
Division of Elections
R.A. Gray Building, Room 316
500 South Bronough Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250
Phone: 850.245.6200
Fax: 850.245.6217
Web Links
Division of Elections
The Florida Department of State’s Division of Elections provides administrative support to the Secretary of State, Florida’s Chief Election Officer, to ensure that Florida has fair and accurate elections. The Division consists of three bureaus – the Bureau of Election Records, the Bureau of Voter Registration Services, and the Bureau of Voting Systems Certification. Through these bureaus and the director’s office, the Division ensures compliance with the election laws, provides statewide coordination of election administration and promotes public participation in the electoral process. The Division also assists county Supervisors of Elections in their duties, including providing technical support.
Further information about the Division of Elections’ operations can be found in the Division’s Government Program Summary.
Director’s Office
The mission of the Director’s Office is to provide statewide coordination and direction for the interpretation and enforcement of election laws, as required by the Florida Statutes, and to provide supervision to the Bureaus in the Division. In addition, the Director’s Office contains the Help America Vote Act and the National Voter Registration Act units.
Contact the Division of Elections
Bureau of Election Records
The Bureau of Election Records handles candidate and political committee filings including campaign finance and qualifying papers. The Bureau also processes commissions of office for elected officials on behalf of the Governor.
Candidates and Committees Information
Bureau of Voter Registration Services
The Bureau of Voter Registration Services coordinates and maintains the official statewide voter registration system including assisting Supervisors of Elections with the voter registration and voter removal process.
Bureau of Voting Systems Certification
The Bureau of Voting Systems Certification implements Florida’s voting systems certification standards for all voting systems in Florida and provides technical assistance to the county Supervisors of Elections on voting systems.